I don't believe in any god, at least as described in the Bible or any other "holy book." IF, and that's a big if, there is life or consciousness after death, I can't believe it is anything like what any religion teaches. We'll all find out eventually. Meanwhile, if I were nearing the point of death, I'm sure I'd be much more comforted by the fact that I had lived my life the best way I knew how, without any pretensions or judging of others who'd made different life decisions, than I would be by the desperate hope that I'd been "good" enough to avoid being tortured for all eternity by some vengeful and petty god.
under the radar
JoinedPosts by under the radar
"how awful it must be to be dying as an apostate!"
by purrpurr ini heard today about a former jw/now apostate who is dying in hospital.
this information was accompanied by the comment of "wouldn't be awful to be lying there in hospital,dying as an apostate!
knowing that you have no hope!?
Message from Designer Stubble to the former JWR members
by Designer Stubble inmessage from designer stubble to the former jwr members.
first of all i am glad to see that many of you have found your way to this great forum, facilitated by simon.
i am sure that after the dust of the jwr shutdown has settled, you will find this to be a good new home.. i would like to apologize for the sudden closure of jwr.
under the radar
Would the owner of JWR be interested in giving or selling the site to Simon or someone like him? If Simon got it, he could handle the transfer in whatever way seemed best. If he had to pay for it, I would bet lots of people here would contribute towards that unexpected expense. But if JWR's owner simply wanted to walk away, it would be a very generous gesture indeed to simply pass to baton to Simon and give his community some sense of continuity.
I really can't see why this wouldn't make sense. The owner could still walk away completely unfettered. I wonder if something else is at play here. Hmmm...
Who was more selfless? Jesus or Brenda Lee Marquez McCool?
by Wasanelder Once injesus was a perfect sinless human (they say) who came to die for mankind.
he gave up his perfect life for all.
under the radar
I'm with everyone else here. Brenda Lee showed true courage and unconditional love for her son. She literally took a bullet for him.
The unbreakable bond of a mother's love is practically universal across all cultures and nationalities, unless it's co-opted and corrupted by slavish adherence to the arbitrary decrees of some mind-control cult. Any particular one come to mind? In the JW world, mothers (and fathers) are all too willing to sacrifice their children's lives on the altar of their own religious beliefs.
I don't believe in the myths and fairy tales of any religion. But I do believe in the power of love, especially a mother's love for her child.
A toast and a salute to Brenda Lee!
Anyway I am glad I am loving my life....
by The Rebel ini realize now my father i believe had " aspergers" " ( although not diagnosed) .
our parents are who they are, and i do not hate my patents for being who they are, on the contary i appreciate how they love me in their own way.
but growing up with strict witness parents and a father who i now believe has " asperges"" wasn't easy, .
under the radar
Both you guys are great dads! My parents did tell my brother and I that they loved us on occasion, but they showed it every day. I'm ashamed to say I went through a period in my 20's when it was hard for me say it back to them, though I certainly did l love them. It was just hard to verbalize, now that I was "grown up." I got over that inhibition pretty quickly, though, and they both knew I loved them unconditionally even though I had become completely inactive in the Truthâ„¢ long before they passed away.
My adult son and I are very close. We speak and/or text almost every day, and frequently say "I love you." And my Extremely Significant Other and I have a house "rule": neither ever leaves the house, even for just a short errand, with a hug and a kiss and an "I love you." Anything can happen to anyone at any time, and it just seems like a good way to carry that love and affection along with us when we have to be apart.
How to distract people from the REAL issues... (2016 convention videos)
by stuckinarut2 inhave we noticed how the videos that are being shown at the 2016 convention manipulatively try to misdirect from the real issues?.
the video showing the daughter "leaving the truth" and leaving (kicked out) home has been designed to show that her life falls apart because she "left the truth".. then the video series about the "persecution" paranoia speaks about a brother who is not being saved with them in the basement "because he let fear of man etc" affect him.
then the video all about sergei's life speaks about his old friend who "let information about the truth make him have doubts" and he is no longer "in the truth" with them...and made out like it is worse than murdering and eating a kitten!.
under the radar
Hi Listener! I've heard of all the other points you mentioned, but can you give me a reference about "not accepting financial aid from a non believing family member"?
I haven't heard that gem before, and the JW's I know have no problem at all accepting financial aid from wherever they can get it. In fact, it's usually the slackers and non-believers in a JW's family that are the only ones in a position to help. The uberdubs usually live hand to mouth because they have little specialized education and prefer menial jobs so they can work for themselves and have more freedom to "seek the Kingdom first."
I know there are exceptions, but I've seen this exact situation so many times I think it's safe to consider it the norm.
I have a plan....
by DATA-DOG inwith all of the bat-shit crazy propaganda of late, i'm considering talking to my wife about the cult.
we have had zero religious discussions for two years.
the last discussion ended with ,"you have no beliefs, no personal beliefs, because you change your "beliefs" when the wtbts writes an article.
under the radar
For what it's worth, I used the "headship" card to prevent my son from being baptized in his pre- and early teens due to emotional appeals from his clinically and repeatedly unstable mother and her congregation "friends." I absolutely forbade him to get baptized before he turned 18. It was "entirely too serious a decision, with too many lifelong ramifications. You're much too young to make such a decision."
Some elders and other well-meaning ones tried to talk to me about it, but I told them that was my decision as head of the house and basically to mind their own business.
On the other hand, I did require him to go to meetings until he was 18, out of respect for his mother. I did not require him to go out in "service." He himself asked his mother, "Why should I go door to door trying to teach people things I don't believe myself?"
Happily, he never attending another meeting after turning 18, except for a few subsequent Memorials just to please his mom. Now, he is an educated and successful adult who wants nothing to do with organized religion. He has seen behind the curtain, and I am so proud that he can and does make his own decisions about what makes sense and what does not.
EdenOne, Mrs. Eden & Son: DISASSOCIATED!
by EdenOne ingreat news!.
we are free!.
as of the 9th of june, me and my dear wife mrs. eden handed over our letters of disassociation at bethel in portugal, thus making official our departure from the jehovah's witnesses.
under the radar
Congratulations! I join Simon in raising a glass to you all. I salute your family's courage and wisdom.
TWO MEN who changed Watchtower History but YOU NEVER HEARD of them!
by TerryWalstrom intwo men who changed watchtower history but you never heard of them!
cults are famous for control--especially controlling information about people, places and events which are embarrassing to their self-myths.. especially is this true for two important figures in watchtower history.. .
the first man is william f. hudgings.
under the radar
I tried checking the jwemployees.bravehost.com/NewsReports link, but it only goes to some weird page saying access is forbidden. Am I missing something?
TWO MEN who changed Watchtower History but YOU NEVER HEARD of them!
by TerryWalstrom intwo men who changed watchtower history but you never heard of them!
cults are famous for control--especially controlling information about people, places and events which are embarrassing to their self-myths.. especially is this true for two important figures in watchtower history.. .
the first man is william f. hudgings.
under the radar
Very interesting, Terry. Thanks for posting this.
What is Critical Thinking? (Not the distorted view the society teaches)
by stuckinarut2 inhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6olpl5p0fmg.
this great video explains what critical thinking really is, and why it is a skill all humans need to employ in daily life.. the expression had been distorted by the society to something that is negative or wrong, yet that is far from the case.....
under the radar
Excellent video!